
  • zahraniční produkce
    - monografie
    - sborníky
    - zvláštní čísla časopisů
    - časopisy
    - literatura k jednotlivým filmům
  • česká produkce
    Zahraniční publikace
    Monografie a speciální studie
  • Alcalá, Manuel: Buñuel - cine e ideologia. Cuadernos para el dialogo 1973.
  • Acevedo-Muñoz, Ernesto R.: Buñuel and Mexico - The Crisis of National Cinema. University of California Press, Berkeley 2003.
  • Aguirre Carballeira, Arantxa: Buñuel, lector de Galdo. Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2006.
  • Alcalá, Manuel: Buñuel - cine e ideologia. Cuadernos para el dialogo 1973.
  • Almeida, Diane M: The esperpento tradition in the works of Ramon del Valle-Inclan and Luis Buñuel. E. Mellen Press, Lewiston 2000.
  • Andrejkov, Todor: Luis Buñuel. Majstori na svetevnoto kino, Sofia 1980.
  • Aranda, J. Francisco: Luis Buñuel: A Critical Biography. Secker and Warburg, London 1975.
  • Aub, Max: Conversaciones con Buñuel: Seguidas de 45 Entrevistas con Familiares, Amigos y Colaboradores del Cineasta Aragones. Aguilar, Madrid 1985.
  • Baxter, John: Buñuel. Fourth Estate, London 1994.
  • Bazin, Andre: The cinema of cruelty : from Buñuel to Hitchcock. Seaver Books, New York 1982.
  • Bazin, Andre: Luis Buñuel: An aesthetic of reality - neorealism. In: The European cinema reader, Routledge, London; New York 2002.
  • Bertelli, Pino: Luis Buñuel: il fascino discreto dell'anarchia. BFS, Pisa 1996.
  • Bikandi-Mejias, Aitor: El carnaval de Luis Buñuel: estudios sobre una tradicion cultural. Laberinto, Madrid 2000.
  • Bragaglia, Cristina: La realtá dell´imagine in Luis Buñuel. Ed. Patrón, 1975.
  • Buache, Freddy: The Cinema of Luis Buñuel. Tantivy Press, London 1973.
  • Buache, Freddy: Luis Buñuel. Premier Plan 13, Lyon 1959.
  • Buache, Freddy: Luis Buñuel. L´Age d´Homme, Lausanne 1980.
  • Buñuel, Luis: Cinema: instrument of poetry. In: The European cinema reader, Routledge, London ; New York 2002.
  • Buñuel, Luis: Mi Ultimo Suspiro. Plaza & Janes, Madrid 1983.
  • Buñuel, Luis: Mon Dernier Soupir. R. Laffont, Paris 1982.
  • Buñuel, Luis: My Last Sigh. Knopf, New York 1983.
  • Buñuel, Luis: My last sigh. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 2003.
  • Buñuel, Luis: Objects of Desire: Conversations with Luis Buñuel. Marsilio, New York 1992.
  • Buñuel, Luis: An unspeakable betrayal: selected writings of Luis Buñuel. University of California Press, Berkeley 2000.
  • Buñuel, Luis: Querido sobrino: cartas a Francisco Rabal de Luis Buñuel. Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo, Valencia 2001.
  • Cattini, Alberto: Luis Buñuel. Il castoro, Roma 1996.
  • Cattini, Alberto: Clarin Larra y Buñuel. Editorial de la Universidad Complutense, Madrid 1986.
  • Cesarman, Fernando: L´Oeil de Buñuel. Ed. Du Dauphin, Paris 1982.
  • Cremonini, G.: Buñuel. Ed. Savelli, 1973.
  • Cummings, Gerardo Tonatiuh: Buñuel y la novela Hispana: Un estudio de sus transposiciones Mexicanas (Luis Bunuel, Mercedes Pinto, Rodolfo Usigli, Miguel Alvarez Acosta). Dissertation, Wayne State University.
  • Da Costa, Joao Bénard: Ciclo Luis Buñuel. Lisboa 1982.
  • Drouzy, Martin: Luis Buñuel, Architecte du Reve. Lherminier, Paris 1978.
  • Dularidze, Latvara Grigorjevna: Luis Bunjuel. Iskusstvo, Moskva 1979.
  • Durgnat, Raymond: Luis Buñuel. Studio Vista, London 1967.
  • Durgnat, Raymond: Buñuel. University of California, Los Angeles 1977.
  • Edwards, Gwynne: A companion to Luis Buñuel. Tamesis, New York 2005.
  • Edwards, Gwynne: The Discreet Art of Luis Buñuel: A Reading of His Films. M. Boyars, London; Boston 1982.
  • Edwards, Gwynne: Indecent exposures: Buñuel, Saura, Erice & Almodovar. M. Boyars, London; New York 1995.
  • Evans, Peter William: Luis Buñuel: new readings. BFI, London 2004.
  • Evans, Peter William: The Films of Luis Buñuel: Subjectivity and Desire. Oxford University Press, New York 1995.
  • Ferlita, Ernest: Luis Buñuel. In: Religion in film, University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville 1982.
  • Gabutti, Giuseppe: Luis Buñuel - l´utopia della libertá. Ed. Figlie Di Dan Paolo, Roma 1981.
  • Gálvez, Antonio: Luis Buñuel. Ed. Le Terrain Vague, Paris 1970.
  • Garcia Lorca, Federico: Dialogo con Luis Buñuel. In: Tres dialogos, Universidad de Granada, Granada 1985.
  • Geduld, Harry M.: The film maker and the audience / Lindsay Anderson, J.A. Bardem, Luis Buñuel, David Lean, Satyajit Ray, & Jean Renoir. In: Film makers on film making; statements on their art by thirty directors, Indiana University Press, Bloomington 1967.
  • Gilliatt, Penelope: Of Luis Buñuel. In: Three-quarter face : reports and reflections, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, New York 1980.
  • Goetz, Alice - Banz, Helmut: Luis Buñuel. Bad Ems 1965.
  • Halligan, Benjamin: The tasks of the European underground : a letter to Luis Buñuel. In: Alternative Europe : eurotrash and exploitation cinema since 1945, Wallflower, London; New York 2004.
  • Harcourt, Peter: Six European Directors; Essays on the Meaning of Film Style. Penguin Books, Baltimore 1974.
  • Higginbotham, Virginia: Luis Buñuel. Twayne Publishers, Boston 1979.
  • Kinder, Marsha: Exile and ideological reinscription: the unique case of Luis Buñuel. In: Blood cinema: the reconstruction of national identity in Spain, University of California Press, Berkeley 1993.
  • Królikowska, Elzbieta: Sladami Buñuela. Osrodek metodyki upowszechniania kultury, Warszava.
  • Kyrou, Ado: Luis Buñuel. Ed. Seghers, Paris 1962. (česky 1965)
  • Kyrou, Ado: Luis Buñuel - An Introduction. Simon and Schuster, New York 1963.
  • Lara, Antonio: La imaginacion en liberdad - Homenaje á Luis Buñuel. Ed. Universidad Complutense, 1981.
  • Lastra, James F.: Ethnology/heterology/Buñuel. In: Rites of realism: essays on corporeal cinema, Duke University Press, Durham 2003.
  • Lefevre, Raymond: Luis Buñuel. Edilig, Paris 1984.
  • Lillo, Gaston: Genero y Transgresion: El Cine Mexicano de Luis Buñuel. Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier 1994.
  • Lizalde, Eduardo: Luis Buñuel. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico D.F. 1962.
  • Lundkvist, Artur: Buñuel. PAN/Norstedt, Stockholm 1967.
  • Malmkjaer, Paul: Buñuel - Statements od Anti- Statements. Danske Film Museum, Kobenhavn 1968.
  • Manvell, Roger: Experiment in the Film. Grey Walls Press, London 1959.
  • Mellen, Joan: The World of Luis Buñuel: Essays in Criticism. Oxford University Press, New York 1978.
  • Millan Agudo, Francisco J.: Las huellas de Buñuel: influencias en el cine latinoamericano. Instituto de Estudios Turolenses, Teruel 2004.
  • Monegal, Antonio: Luis Buñuel: de la Literatura al Cine: Una Poetica del Objeto. Anthropos, Barcelona 1993.
  • Moullet, Luc: Luis Buñuel. Club du livre du Cinéma, Bruxelles 1957.
  • Nelson, Ardis L.: On Buñuel and surrealism: the art of audacity. In: Guillermo Cabrera Infante : assays, essays and other arts, Twayne Publishers, New York 1999.
  • Oms, Marcel: Don Luis Buñuel. Editions du Cerf, Paris 1985.
  • Paranagua, Paulo Antonio: Luis Buñuel stopped at Mexico. In: Mexican cinema, British Film Institute, London 1995.
  • Patrizi Zingarini, Francesco Luigi: Luis Buñuel: dalla poesia al cinema. Atheneum, Firenze 2001.
  • Paz, Octavio: Luis Buñuel: el doble arco de la belleza y de la rebeldia. Galaxia Gutenberg: Circulo de lectores, Barcelona 2000.
  • Paz, Octavio: Luis Buñuel: Three Perspectives. In: On Poets and Others, Seaver Books, New York 1986.
  • Paz, Octavio: El poeta Buñuel = Buñuel the poet. In: Mexico en el surrealismo : la transfusion creativa. Artes de Mexico, Mexico D.F. 2003.
  • Pechter, William S.: Buñuel. In: American movie critics : an anthology from the silents until now, Library of America, New York 2006.
  • Pechter, William S.: Buñuel -- A persistence of vision. In: Twenty-four times a second: films and film-makers, Harper & Row, New York 1971.
  • Perez Turrent, Tomas: Buñuel por Buñuel. Plot, Madrid 1993.
  • Perez Turrent, Tomas: Luis Buñuel in Mexico. In: Mexican Cinema, British Film Institute, London 1995.
  • Rebolledo, Carlos: Luis. Editions Universitaires, Paris 1964.
  • Rucar de Buñuel, Jeanne: Memorias de Una Mujer Sin Piano. Alianza Editorial Mexicana, Mexico D.F. 1990.
  • Sanchez Vidal, Agustin: Buñuel and the Flesh. In: The Surrealist Adventure in Spain, Dovehouse Editions, Ottawa 1990.
  • Sanchez Vidal, Agustin: Luis v: Obra Cinematografica. Ediciones J.C., Madrid 1984.
  • Sanchez, Francisco: Todo Buñuel. Cineteca Nacional, Mexico D.F. 1978.
  • Sandro, Paul: Diversions of Pleasure: Luis Buñuel and the Crises of Desire. Ohio State University Press, Columbus 1987.
  • Schwarze, Michael: Luis Buñuel. Plaza & Janes, Barcelona 1988.
  • Stam, Robert: Hitchcock and Buñuel: Authority, Desire, and the Absurd. In: Hitchcock's Rereleased Films: From Rope to Vertigo, Wayne State University Press, Detroit c1991.
  • Taranger, Marie-Claude: Luis Buñuel: Le Jeu et la Loi. Presses universitaires de Vincennes, Paris 1990.
  • Tinazzi, Giorgio: Il cinema di Luis Buñuel. Palumbo, Palermo 1973.
  • Torres, Augusto M: Buñuel y sus discipulos. Huerga & Fierro Editores, Madrid 2005.
  • Trebouta, Jacques: Luis Buñuel, sa vie, son oeuvre en Espagne et en France. Institut des Hautes Études cinématographiques, 1959.
  • Troiano, Felice: Surrealismo e Psicanalisi Nelle Prime Opere di Buñuel. Universita di Parma, Parma 1983.
  • Valdivielso Miquel, E.: El Drama Oculto: Buñuel, Dali, Falla, Garcia Lorca y Sanchez Mejias. Ediciones de la Torre, Madrid 1992.
  • Vargas-Llosa, Mario: A Visit to Buñuel. In: Making Waves, University of California Press, Berkeley 1997.
  • Vargas-Llosa, Mario: Luis Buñuel: A Festival of Excellent Bad Films. In: Making Waves, University of California Press, Berkeley 1997.
  • White, Eric: Chance and Narrative in Musil and Buñuel. In: Chance, Culture and the Literary Text, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 1994.
  • Williams, Linda: The Critical Grasp: Buñuelian Cinema and Its Critics. In: Dada and Surrealist Film, Willis, Locker & Owens, New York 1987.
  • Williams, Linda: Figures of Desire: A Theory and Analysis of Surrealist Film. University of Illinois Press, Urbana 1981.
  • Wood, Michael: Buñuel in Mexico. In: Mediating Two Worlds: Cinematic Encounters in the Americas, BFI, London 1993.
  • Zagury, Fabrice: Les metamorphoses du son dans le cinema de Luis Buñuel. Atelier national de reproduction des th`eses, Lille 2004.
  • Zants, Emily: Luis Buñuel. In: Creative encounters with French films, The Edwin Mellen Press, New York 2000.
  • Buñuel. Buenos Aires 1978.
  • Pour Buñuel. Toulouse 1964.
  • The world of Luis Buñuel, Essays in Criticism. Ed. Oxford University Press, New York 1978.
    Zvláštní čísla časopisů
  • L´avant scéne du cinéma, 1963, č. 27- 28.
  • L´avant scéne du cinéma, 1964, č. 36.
  • Cahiers du cinéma, 1951, č. 7.
  • Cinema Nuovo, 1974, č. 227.
  • Cinemages, 1955, č. 1.
  • Contracampo, II/16, 1980.
  • Études cinématographiques, 1962, č. 22- 23.
  • Études cinématographiques, 1963, č. 22- 24.
  • Filmklub (Zurich), č. 24.
  • Griffith, 1965, č. 1.
  • Image et son, 1958, č. 119.
  • Image et son, 1962, č. 7.
  • La Méthode, 1962, č. 7.
  • Nuevo Cine, 1961, č. 10.
  • Positif, 1954, č. 10.
  • Positif, 1961, č. 42.
  • Aitken, Ian: Distraction and Redemption: Kracauer, Surrealism and Phenomenology. Screen, ročník 39, číslo 2.
  • Amiel V; Carriere Jc.: Conversation With Jean-Claude Carriere Regarding His Collaboration With Luis Buñuel. Positif, říjen 1993.
  • Amiel, V.: The Last Dreams Of Luis Buñuel - Films From The Late Period. Positif, říjen 1993.
  • Aub, Max: Religion, Eroticism, Death. Grand Street, ročník 14, číslo 4 (jaro 1996).
  • Aubry, Daniel, Jean Michel Lacor: The Growing Edge: Luis Buñuel. Film Quarterly, zima 1958.
  • Babington, Bruce; Evans, Peter William: The Life Of The Interior: Dreams In The Films Of Luis Buñuel. Critical Quarterly, zima 1985.
  • Bazin, Andre; Doniol-Valcroze, Jacques: Conversation with Bunuel. Sight and Sound, jaro 1955.
  • Bellow, Saul: Buñuel´s Unsparing Vision. Horizon, listopad 1962.
  • Bergala, Alain: Le mystere Buñuel: a la source de la liberte creatrice. Cahiers du Cinema, číslo 546, květen 2000.
  • Bertheau J.: Working With Luis Buñuel - A Film Actors Memoir. Positif, říjen 1993.
  • Biette, Jean Claude: Le cinema descend du singe. Cahiers du Cinema, číslo 391, leden 1987.
  • Borau, Jose Luis: A Woman Without a Piano, A Book Without a Mark. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, prosinec 1991.
  • Cano Ballesta, Juan: Un Luis Buñuel Desconocido. MLN, březen 1985 (španělské vydání).
  • Carriere, J. C.: Making of Buñuel [interview]. World Press Review, srpen 1981.
  • Casciero, Alberto: Provocateur of Surreal Screens. Americas, květen-červen 1993.
  • Coleman, John: Bergman and Buñuel. New Statesman Issue, únor 1973.
  • Comuzio, C.: Luis Buñuel and Surrealism - Literary Writings And Cinema. Cineforum, listopad 1989.
  • Connelly, Caryn: Virgins, brides and devils in disguise: Buñuel does Mexican melodrama. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, červenec 2001.
  • Conrad, Randall: "I Am Not a Producer!" - Working with Buñuel. Film Quarterly, podzim 1979.
  • Conrad, Randall: A Magnificent and Dangerous Weapon - The Politics of Luis Buñuel's Later Films. Cineaste, zima 1976/1977.
  • Conrad, Randall: "The Minister of the Interior is on the Telephone": The Early Films of Luis Buñuel. Cineaste 1976.
  • Cox, Alex: Bug-eyed Buñuel. Sight and Sound, březen 1995.
  • Durgnat, Raymond: Defetishizing Buñuel. Cineaste, podzim 1998.
  • Durgnat, Raymond: Objects of Desire: Conversations with Luis Buñuel. Cineaste 1998.
  • Durgnat, Raymond: "Theory of Theory" and "Buñuel the Joker". Film Quarterly, podzim 1990.
  • Everett, Wendy: Screen as threshold: the disorientating topographies of surrealist film. Screen, léto 1998.
  • Faber, Sebastiaan: Between Cernuda's Paradise and Buñuel's Hell: Mexico through Spanish Exiles' Eyes. Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal, and Latin America, březen 2003.
  • Flint, Peter B.: Luis Buñuel Dies; Film Maker was 83; antagonist of religion and the conventional was leader in avant-garde surrealism. New York Times, 31.7. 1983.
  • Fotiade, Ramona: The slit eye, the scorpion and the sign of the cross: surrealist film theory and practice revisited. Screen, léto 1998.
  • Fragola, Anthony N.: From the ecclesiastical to the profane: Foot fetishism in Luis Buñuel and Alain Robbe-Grillet. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis & Dynamic Psychiatry, zima 1994.
  • Fuentes, Carlos: The Discreet Charm of Luis Buñuel. New York Times Magazine, 11.3. 1973.
  • Fuentes, Carlos: Spain, Catholicism, surrealism, anarchism: the discreet charm of Luis Buñuel. The New York Times Magazine, 11.3. 1973.
  • Fuentes, Victor: Confluences: Buñuel's Cinematic Narrative and the Latin American New Novel. Discourse, zima a jaro 2004.
  • Gagnebin, L.: Luis Buñuel and the Critique of Religion (surrealism as the ideal judge of the gospels and of christianity). Etudes Theologiques Et Religieuses, 1991.
  • García-Abrines, Luis; Daniel de Guzmán: Rebirth of Buñuel. Yale French Studies, číslo 17, 1956.
  • Gaston, Karen Carmean: Luis Buñuel's Use of Metaphysical Conceits. New Orleans Review, podzim 1982.
  • Gilliatt, P.: Profiles [L. Buñuel]. The New Yorker, 5.12. 1977.
  • Greenbaum, Richard: Luis Buñuel. Films in Review, říjen 1983.
  • Grenier, C.: Two filmmakers: The Buñuels. Harper's Bazaar, leden 1973.
  • Grossvogel, David I.: Buñuel´s Obsessed Camera. Diacritics, jaro 1972.
  • Gubern, Román; Hammond, Paul: Buñuel: de "L'Union libre" au "Front rouge". Positif, duben 2001.
  • Hammond, Robert M.: The Literary Style of Luis Buñuel. Hispania, září 1963.
  • Harcourt, Peter: Luis Buñuel: Spaniard and Surrealist. Film Quarterly, jaro 1967.
  • Higginbotham, Virginia: Convictions & Contradictions of Luis Buñuel: Mon Dernier Soupir. Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities, zima 1987.
  • Higginbotham, Virginia: Feminism and Buñuel: Points of Contact. Romance Languâges Annual, číslo 1, 1989.
  • Hogue, Peter: The discreet fury of Luis Buñuel. Film Comment, leden-únor 2001.
  • Jones, Jack: Luis Buñuel, Avant-garde Director, Dies. Los Angeles Times, 30.7. 1983.
  • Kinder, Marsha: Hot Spots, Avatars, and Narrative Fields Forever - Buñuel's Legacy for New Digital Media and Interactive Database Narrative. Film Quarterly, léto 2002.
  • Kirkup, James: Cinema: Luis Buñuel. London Magazine, listopad 1982.
  • Kovacs, Katherine Singer: Luis Buñuel and Pierre Louys: two visions of obscure objects. Cinema Journal, podzim 1979.
  • Landis, J.: Buñuel's Eyes + Gabriel Figueroa - In-memoriam. Sight & Sound, 3.6. 1997.
  • Lauder, R.E.: Luis Buñuel: the surrealist as moralist. America, 3.2. 1973.
  • Lyons, E.H.: Luis Buñuel: the Process of Dissociation in Three Films. Cinema Journal, 1973.
  • Malaguti, C.: The Mexican Years of Luis Buñuel. Cineforum, květen 1993.
  • Mayersberg, Paul: The Happy Ending Of Luis Buñuel. Sight and Sound, podzim 1983.
  • Millar, Gavin: The Scandalous Charm of Luis Buñuel. London Review of Books, září 1983.
  • Milne, Tom: Mexican Buñuel. Sight and Sound, zima 1965/1966.
  • Mortimore, Roger: Buñuel, Saenz de Heredia and Filmofono. Sight and Sound, léto 1975.
  • Olm, M.: Luis Buñuel - The Filmmaking Years In Spain (1933-1936). Positif, říjen 1993.
  • Olney, Ian: Repetition (With Difference) and Ludic Deferral in the Later Films of Luis Buñuel. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 2001.
  • Pechter, William S.: Movies: Buñuel's Art. Commentary, březen 1971.
  • Perez, Gilberto: Thread of the disconcerting: a note on Buñuel's narrative. Sight and Sound, zima 1982/1983.
  • Perilli, Plinio: Luis Bunel: the blank eyelid of the screen. L'Architettura, březen 2002.
  • Podol, Peter L.: The Grotesque Mode in Contemporary Spanish Theatre and Film. Modern Languâge Studies, 1985.
  • Powrie, Phil: Masculinity in the Shadow of the Slashed eye: Surrealist Film Criticism at the Crossroads. Screen, léto 1998.
  • Prouse, Derek: Interviewing Buñuel. Sight and Sound, léto 1960.
  • Rafael, George: The discreet charms of Luis Buñuel. Cineaste 2000.
  • Ranciere, Jacques: Buñuel et le cinema surrealiste. Cahiers du Cinema, červenec-srpen 2000.
  • Reia-Baptista, Vitor: The Heretical Pedagogy of Luis Buñuel: a study of the pedagogical character of the heresies and moralities in the cinema of Luis Buñuel. Biblioteca On-line de Cięncias da Comunicaçăo - BOCC Spring, 1987.
  • Ribar, Margarita: Surrealism, Tremendismo, Love and Sexuality in Turn-of-the-Century Spanish Film: Images from the Cinema of Luis Buñuel. Hispanic Journal, jaro 2001.
  • Rich, B. Ruby: Meet Jeanne Buñuel (the influence of Luis Buñuel's wife in his films). Sight And Sound, srpen 1995.
  • Romney, Jonathan: Delirium Dilute (the films of Luis Buñuel). New Statesman & Society, srpen 1992.
  • Roof, Gayle: Buñuel and the Romantic Fantastic: Techniques in his Avant-Garde Works. Hispanic Journal, jaro 1992.
  • Roof, Gayle: Context as Instability: Aspects of Object Presentation in Luis Buñuel's Avant-Garde Works. Tenth Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Languâges and Literatures, La Chispa 1989.
  • Ross, Kristin: Schoolteachers, Maids, and Other Paranoid Histories. Yale French Studies, číslo 91, 1997.
  • Rubinstein, Elliot: Buñuel's World, Or The World and Buñuel. Philosophy and Literature, podzim 1978.
  • Santander, Hugo N.: Luis Buñuel, Existential Filmmaker. Especulo: Revista de Estudios Literarios, květen-červen 2002.
  • Siegel, Jeanne: Imâge of the eye in Surrealist art and its psychoanalytic sources, part One: the mythic eye (symbolization of the Oedipal myth). Arts Magazine, únor 1982.
  • Smith, P.J.: Shocks and Prejudices (The value and interest of the cinema of Luis Buñuel). Sight And Sound, srpen 1995.
  • Stam, Robert: Hitchcock and Buñuel: Desire and the Law. Studies in the Literary Imagination, jaro 1983.
  • Stein, Elliott: Buñuel's golden bowl. Sight and Sound, podzim 1967.
  • Taves, B.: Whose Hand?: The "Beast With Five Fingers": Correcting a Buñuel Myth. Sight And Sound, léto 1987.
  • Tesson, Charles: La Chair et la farce (l'enigme Luis Buñuel). Cahiers du Cinema, únor 1993.
  • Tesson, Charles: Buñuel, 1938-1943: sa nuit americaine. Cahiers du Cinema, květen 2000.
  • Thomson, David: In Buñuel's dreams began film's liberation. If 'Un Chien Andalou' and L'âge d'Or' could be made in 1928 and 1930, how is there so much bland realism on film? New York Times, 20.2. 2000.
  • Tobias, James: Buñuel's Net Work. Film Quarterly, zima 1998.
  • Walker, Ian; Willis, Don: Buñuel's half century. Sight and Sound, zima 1977/1978.
  • Weiss, Allen S.: Between the Sign of the Scorpion and the Sign of the Cross: L'âge d'or. Dada/Surrealism, 1986.
  • Williams, Linda: The Critical Grasp: Buñuelian Cinema and Its Critics. Dada/Surrealism, 1986.
  • Wilson, Peter: Immersed in Films (Luis Buñuel, childhood and art). Sight and Sound, leden 1993.
  • Wood, Michael: Buñuel's private lessons. The New York Review of Books, 23.2. 1978.
  • Wood, Michael: Down with liberty. Sight & Sound, září 2000.
  • Wood, Michael: God Never Dies: Buñuel and Catholicism. Renaissance & Modern Studies, 1993.
  • Yeats, E.D.: Imâge and Body: The Optical Alignment of Walter Benjamin and Luis Buñuel. Journal of European Studies, září 1993.
    Literatura k jednotlivým filmům
    Andaluský pes
  • Bertetto, Paolo: L'enigma del desiderio: Bunuel, Un chien andalou e L'âge d'or. Marsilio Editori, Venezia 2001.
  • Brandon, Ruth: "Andalusian Dogs." In: Surreal lives : the surrealists, 1917-1945. Grove Press, New York 1999.
  • Bunuel, Luis: Un Chien Andalou. Faber and Faber, London + Boston 1994.
  • Bunuel, Luis: "Notes on the Making of Un chien andalou." In: The World of Luis Bunuel: essays in criticism. Oxford University Press, New York 1978.
  • Conrad, R.: "Un chien andalou / L'Age d'or." Cineaste č. 30, podzim 2005.
  • Finkelstein, Haim: "Dali and Un Chien Andalou: The Nature of a Collaboration." Dada/Surrealism, číslo 15, 1986.
  • Gould, Michael: Surrealism and the Cinema: (open-eyed screening). A. S. Barnes, Cranbury 1976.
  • Iampolski, Michel: "Intertext against intertext: Bunuel and Dali's Un chien andalou." In: The memory of Tiresias : intertextuality and film. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1998.
  • Koller, Michael: "Un Chien Andalou." Senses of Cinema.
  • Liebman, Stuart: "Un Chien Andalou: The Talking Cure." Dada/Surrealism, číslo 15, 1986.
  • LoBrutto, Vincent: "Surrealism in cinema: Un chien Andalou." In: Becoming film literate : the art and craft of motion pictures. Praeger, Westport, 2005.
  • Lopez, Ignacio Javier: "Film, Freud, and Paranoia: Dali and the Representation of Male Desire in An Andalusian Dog." Diacritics: A Review of Contemporary Criticism, číslo 31, léto 2001.
  • Magill, Frank N.: Magill's Survey of Cinema - Silent Films. Salem Press, Englewood Cliffs, 1982.
  • Piazza, Francois: "Consideration of "Chien Andalou" by Louis Bunuel and Salvador Dali/Consideration sur la "Chien Andalou" de Luis Bunuel et Salvador Dali." Psyche č. 4, 1949.
  • Price, James: "The Andalusian Smile: Reflections on Luis Bunuel." Evergreen Review, duben 1966.
  • Ranciere, Jacques: "Bunuel et le cinema surrealiste." Cahiers du Cinema, číslo 548, červenec/srpen 2000.
  • Roof, Gayle: "Un-Passionne-Appel-Au-Meurtre, Murder and Artistic Experience in Un 'Chien Andalou'" (An analysis of 2 episodes from Luis Bunuel's screenplay preface and the Film). Screen, podzim 1977.
  • Siegel, J.: "Image of the eye in Surrealist art and its psychoanalytic sources, part One: the mythic eye.". Arts Magazine, únor 1982.
  • Talens, Jenaro: The Branded Eye: Bunuel's Un Chien Andalou. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1993.
  • Thiher, Allen: "Surrealism's Enduring Bite: Un Chien Andalou." Literature/Film Quarterly, zima 1977.
  • Thomson, David: "In Bunuel's dreams began film's liberation. If 'Un Chien Andalou' and L'âge d'Or' could be made in 1928 and 1930, how is there so much bland realism on film?". New York Times, 20.2. 2000.
  • Vigo, Jean: "The Terrible Luis Bunuel."(Luis Bunuel's 'Un Chien Andalou'). Index on Censorship, listopad/prosinec 1995.
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    Zlatý věk
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    Země bez chleba
  • Conley, Tom: "Documentary Surrealism: On Land without Bread." Dada/Surrealism, č. 15, 1986.
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    Bouřlivé výšiny
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    Zločinný život Archibalda de la Cruz
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    Anděl zkázy
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    Deník komorné
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    Kráska dne
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  • Maslin, Janet: "Belle de Jour". New York Times, 25.6. 1995.
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    Nenápadný půvab buržoazie
  • Gantrel, Martine: "La Gastronomie francaise au cinema entre 1970 et 1990." The French Review: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of French, březen 2002.
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  • Rejda, Roger R.: Surrealism And Bunuel's 'The Discreet Charm Of The Bourgeoisie. Dizertace, University Of Nebraska - Lincoln.
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    Přelud svobody
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    Tajemný předmět touhy
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    České publikace
  • Brož, J.: Buñuel - umělec, který provokuje, Kino 1962, č. 18, s. 10-11.
  • Boček, Jaroslav: Ado Kyrou: Luis Buñuel, Film a doba 1966, č. 3, s. 162.
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  • Cieslar, Jiří: Luis Buñuel. Čs. Filmový ústav, Praha 1987.
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  • Doinel, Milan: Smysl smyslnosti. Iluminace, 1998, č. 2, s. 37–56.
  • Foll, Jan: Obraz světa v posledních filmech Luise Buñuela, Film a doba, 1979, č. 1-2.
  • Foll, Jan: Pokušení a paradoxy Dona Luise, Týden 9. 8. 1997.
  • -gf- (Gustav Francl): Glosy, Film a doba 1969, č. 1, s. 6.
  • -gf- (Gustav Francl): Buñuelův spor s andělem, Kino 1968, č. 24-25, s. 20.
  • Holanec, Václav: Nenápadný půvab Luise Buñuela, Rudé právo 3. 3. 1995.
  • Hrbas, Jiří: Velký filmař - Luis Bunuel. Nad jeho filmem To je úsvit, Film a doba, roč. 3, 1957, č. 3, s. 191-193.
  • Hrbotický, Saša: Luis Buñuel: od rozřízlého oka po Ten tajemný předmět touhy, 22.2.2000.
  • Hrozková, Eva: Luis Buñuel, Kinorevue 1995.
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  • Klepikov, Milan D.: Boží opozice, 12, 2000, č. 1, s. 29-43.
  • Král, Petr: Zlatý věk dnes, Iluminace, 1994.
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  • Liehm, A. J.: Aspoň kousek Buñuela, Kino 1965, č. 18, s. 11.
  • Němec, Jiří: Revolta a poezie v díle Luise Buñuela, Světová literatura, 1964, č. 4.
  • Oliva, Ljubomír: Linie Luise Buñuela, Film a doba, 1964, č. 3, s. 119-120.
  • Oliva, Ljubomír: V dvojakom znamení vzbury a lásky. In: Svet filmových režisérov, Bratislava 1968.
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  • Pablo, Julian: Moje přátelství s Donem Luisem, Literární noviny 14, 2003, č. 11, s. 12. (překl. Milan Klepikov)
  • Přádná, Stanislava: Snění starých mistrů, Film a doba, 2004, č. 4, s. 210-219.
  • Putna, Martin C.: Koláž výsměchu a nenávisti, Filmové listy - Projekt 100, 2003, s. 65-68.
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  • Soukup, Jan: Mléčná dráha, Kino 1969, č. 11, s. 7.
  • Tarantová, Lydie: Co chystají Allégret, Buñuel, Cavalcanti a Pellegrini, Film a doba, roč. 2, 1956, č. 9, s. 640-642. (výňatek)
  • Thein, Karel: Skutečnost bez možností, Iluminace 2000.
  • Wollner, Marek: Luis Buñuel, Lidové noviny 30.1.1992.
  • Zgustová, Monika: Tajný svět obsesí Luise Buñuela, Literární noviny 13.8.1997.

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